callalily@hari raya!

far @ bie's open house

far @ ana's open house

world peace!

callalily with taufik the cutest! ("*)

pagi raya @ fariha's house.nasi beriani pakistan aunty safina mmg lazat!


callalily bersama mama tersayang!

Selamat Hari Raya ke-6 to All!!

tahniah to both of us! y?? becoz..we both dpt puasa penuh tahun ni!alhamdulillah..=)
xpyh ganti2 dh.ahakz!
yup!this 2009 hari raya has been so hectic for us since so many friends n relatives come berhari raya at our house.despite all the exhausment,kami enjoy!
tp,kesian kt nin,thun ni dia punye duit raya semakin kurang (sbb dah lbih tahap umur.huhu) lain la far, duit raya far still maintain.....banyak.hehe.

gmbr2 di atas adalah beberapa post2 menarik di hari raya yg mulia yg kami lampirkn utk tontonan semua!

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